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The video assessment tool for certification. Providing scenario-based evidence of what learners know.

"Being able to have users screen record, the grading capabilities, and visibility into submissions was a game-changer for us."

Enverus explains how their team uses Bongo to offer certification programs that allow users to prove competency through skill-based training and education.

Obtain tangible proof your learner deserves to be certified

Bongo allows individuals to demonstrate their knowledge on video paired with AI and/or instructor driven constructive feedback for both quality assurance and ultimate skill mastery.

Maximize coaching impact for better learning outcomes

Bongo’s multiple feedback options enable instructors to deliver constructive & targeted coaching to learners, personalizing the learning experience and improving learner retention.


"We are certifying people faster and more efficiently"

A year ago, they were taking up to 3 days to get certified. Recently I was told an entire class was certified on the first day. They aren’t making as many errors and I know Bongo is a major reason for that.

Head of Training, Nielsen

A Robust Certification Solution for Remote Teams

Connect with your team from anywhere, sync up, and provide feedback in real time.